Get rid of sagging breasts without surgery- Non surgical Breasts reduction, lifting and firming

With age ladies generally develop sagging breasts. Reason: With age there is loss of elasticity of the skin and muscles become week which leads to sagging of breasts. Solution : In our clinic 1 . We remove the unwanted fat with ultrasound waves for 20 minutes which burst the fat cells and melts the fat away which drains out of the body through lymphatic drainage, reducing the size of the breasts. 2. Then we tighten the loose skin by passing radiofrequency into the skin layers for another 20 minutes which helps in regenerating the elastic and collagen fibers and causes instant tightening of the skin. 3. Then we stimulate, tighten and strengthen the loosened and week muscles(petoralis major) through electric muscle stimulator for 20 minutes which helps in lifting up the breasts. Result : Patient gets firm and young breasts in 4-5 sessions of 1 and a half hours. Advantages • Non surgical • Painless • Safe • No side effects • C...