This article will be helpful to you in knowing which of the below mentioned categories of face ageing you fall into and thus helpful in choosing the right anti-ageing treatment for you. There are three basic ways in which people age, namely the sinker, the sagger and the wrinkler. So lets dive deep into each category and see which facelift method is best suited for each. THE SINKER Is your face losing volume like a slowly deflating balloon? If so you’re probably a “Sinker”. Sinkers are characterized by volume loss around key areas of the face which can cause a sunken hollowed out appearance. The temples, mid-face and the area below the cheekbones are the most common places where this volume loss occurs. The natural aging process causes us to lose about 10% of the fat in our face at the age of 35 years and an additional 5-10% every 5-10 years thereafter. By the age of 55 you may have lost 40% of the fat in your face, which once gave it a plump, full, youthful ap...