Looking for a way to improve your wrinkles and fine lines without any down time? Micro-needling is a quick and virtually painless procedure that will give you smoother, firmer, and younger looking skin.

What is microneedling all about?

·         Microneedling  is a process that involves using fine needles to puncture hundreds of tiny holes in the skin.
·         It is a very popular cosmetic procedure because it can induce collagen without injuring the top layer of skin.
Micro-needling (also known as collagen induction therapy) induces collagen production and actually strengthens the epidermis. 

Today, we’re going to explore microneedling and dermarolling to find out exactly what is involved in the processes and what they promise to do for skin.
Microneedling, also called Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), involves using a tool called a dermapen with tiny needles at the end that make little holes or needle pricks in the top layers of skin.
Another method of microneedling uses a dermaroller which looks like a miniature paint roller with lots of tiny needles that is gently rolled in different directions over the surface of skin to achieve the same effect.
The purpose of this procedure is twofold:

1. The little holes from the needles create “micro channels” that allow skincare products, such as potent serums, to penetrate and absorb into the deeper layers of skin to deliver more powerful results.
2. These tiny pinpricks act as a bunch of mini injuries which kick skin into healing mode and stimulates collagen and elastin production. This process plumps skin and improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars and pores.

How does the procedure go down?
First, a cosmetologist applies a numbing cream to the patient’s skin.
Next, the practitioner will gently roll a dermapen over the surface of the skin in a few different directions to work around areas of the face to create tiny holes in the skin’s surface.
The whole process takes around 20-30 minutes and, while it involves needles in your face, the process is apparently pretty painless.
You can expect some redness for up to a couple of days afterward as a result of all the skin stimulation, but it subsides quickly as the healing begins and the results of more glowing, supple skin start to show.
To get truly effective results, you’ll need more than one treatment ( with a gap of 1 month) to continually build collagen and elastin.

1. Microneedling for Fine Lines and Wrinkles 

All that time spent in the sun when you were younger may have caused a significant amount of sun damage, facial wrinkles and thinning of the skin which results in the loss of elastin and collagen. With Microneedling you can expect to see significant improvement due to the fact it promotes natural elastin and collagen. Minimization in wrinkles, fine lines and scars will all be remarkably noticeable.
The build up of collagen and elastin also helps strengthen and thicken skin. This will reduce skin thinning that is often associated with aging.

2. Premature Skin Aging
Microneedling does the same function with premature skin aging as with fine lines and wrinkles by promoting collagen and elastin growth. When the skin thickens and the avoidance of collagen breakdown occurs, the aging process slows down.

3. Scars 

If you are one of the many people that suffer from acne scars or any scarring on the skin for that matter, then Microneedling is the solution for you. It is proven to immensely improve or even fade out the majority of scarring with the exception of keloid scars. (this is an irregular growth of scar tissue that escalates beyond the top skin surface) With the stimulation of collagen and elastin from Microneedling, it will lead to normal, healthy skin.

4. Stretch Marks 

Stretch marks are always a little more stubborn to treat than regular scarring, however there have been numerous reports from clients who have been very happy with the results from Microneedling. One does usually need more treatments with stretch marks and for deeper stretch marks, 3-12 treatments are usually required in order to start seeing visible results.  

5. Hyperpigmentation 

Hyperpigmentation is a condition in which small areas of the skin become darker than the rest. Unusually dark patches of skin develop when the skin cells in those areas start producing too much melanin. Over activity of the melanin-producing cells can be triggered by a variety of causes, including certain medical conditions and medications. However, one of the most common causes of dark patches on the skin is post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which develops as a result of irritation and swelling. Microneedling helps minimize hyperpigmentation by shedding the top layer of the skin and produce normal melanocyte. It is very safe for anyone who has a darker skin tone. It does not lead to the loss of skin pigment.

6. Age Spots 

Just as with hyperpigmentation, Microneedling also sheds the top layer of the skin and reduces the appearance of age spots.

7. Rosacea 

Rosacea is a skin condition that affects parts of your face. Symptoms can include facial flushing, facial redness, spots, thickening of your skin, and eye problems such as dry eyes and sore eyelids. Rosacea also leads to breakdown of collagen however with Microneedling treatment, it will produce a large amount of collagen and improve the condition immensely. Do not perform Microneedling if you currently have nodular or pustular rosacea.

8. Acne

Another huge benefit with Microneedling, is that when paired with skin products, the punctures allow the ingredients of the product to better absorb into the skin, making the treatment a great option for people who suffer from acne. If you have an any topical acne treatment, Microneedling will boost the absorption directly into the treated area. If you suffer from acne, you will notice a huge difference as your skin will clear up tremendously. Do not attempt Microneedling at home with Acne as you may not know when your skin is irritated and you may cause it to spread further. It is always better to get an Aesthetician to perform Microneedling as they know exactly what to look out for.

Are there any risks to microneedling or dermarolling?
The biggest no-no is using the microneedle on active acne because you run the risk of infection. Avoid blemished areas during microneedling or wait until pimples are gone before undergoing the process.
Skin Reaction
Experts agree that you should not get the procedure done on skin that is inflamed, irritated, or are currently experiencing eczema.
Since microneedling can cause your skin to absorb skincare products more deeply, there’s a chance it could react to ingredients differently and become irritated.
You also want to be careful about using products not formulated for use with microneedling.
just to clear any confusion when you hear the word ‘needling’, here’s what the technique is NOT:
  • Microneedling is NOT an injection
  • Microneedling is NOT a piercing
  • Microneedling is NOT a DIY procedure

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Dr Chetna Singh,
C&S Cosmetic surgery and laser clinic,
D-439,1st Floor,Ramphal Chowk,
Palam Ext.Sec-7,Dwarka,
New Delhi-110075


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